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The story behind the photograph 2: It's a Race!

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race at skara braeThis photograph was taken on a day visit to Orkney one July. It had been a complicated arrangement meeting up on Orkney, with the highlight of the day being the visit to the archaeological remains owned by Historic Scotland at Skara Brae. One of our party wasn't able to walk very far but had been the driving force behind the visit, so it was tough to reach the site and discover that it was too far for her to walk, in spite of the day being stunningly beautiful. With remarkable good grace, she sat down to wait for us to walk round.

Thankfully, the day was saved by the presence of a mobility scooter called Bruno. On this trusty steed she was able to travel with us and enjoy access to the site, although Bruno had to wait outside the site itself. This photograph was taken on the way back to the visitor centre after a good time had been had by all. It was a race to get to the cup of tea that was to mark the end of the visit.

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  1. Jo

    To me that image speaks of independence and spunk and a continuing zest for life... a strong life force that overcomes obstacles. I think photos are similar to paintings or pieces of music. There may be a back story or a specific meaning to the photographer/painter/subjects of the image/musician, but once complete, the image/music is free for each individual viewing/listening to interpret in their own way.

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