Wishing you and yours a Happy Christmas and New Year, in as good a way as is availableHappy Christmas to all. I took this photo of a tiny series of raindrops on new growth of a St John’s Wort (Hypericum) that self-sowed itself in a pot twenty-plus years ago. There is something magical about how...
While I hatch a plan to make these blogs less confusing, for now a sideways look at an infamous chestnut that affects all of us who rely on working with computer equipment. That request from computer technical support folk to try ‘turning it off and on again’ that usually triggers an...
Pondering on things to do if by a chance of fate I actually won the lottery or premium bonds… it’s a weird form of goal setting actually, as since drafting the first version of this list back in July 2022 some of the items have more substance to the aspiration.My mother has been...